Friday, December 31, 2010

Bring on 2011

It's that time again. As January 1st looms near, people are making new year's resolutions and 'promising' to change for the better. I usually refrain from the retrospectives on years past and I'm not a fan of New Year's resolutions. This New Years Eve is different in that it's the end of a decade. Between 2000 and 2010, I've

  • graduated from elementary school
  • campaigned for the 2000 presidential election
  • saw the destruction of the twin towers
  • lived through two wars
  • graduated from junior high school
  • graduated from high school
  • entered college
Along the way, I've learned lessons about love, life and myself. Knowing that this is literally just the beginning is both exhilarating and frightening. In just a few short days I'll be turning 22 years old, and should be graduating from college in May. So, I have a few goals that I'd like to accomplish in the next 12 months, and extend into the next few decades:

  1. Focus on building my brand and my presence as competition
  2. Remember to stay positive, and turn every obstacle into opportunity
  3. Stay healthy... physically and mentally
  4. Keep all negative influences out of my life. People, places, encounters.

And my dream for you:
May 2011 bring you closer to your goals and further from the negativity

Peace. Love. Passion ♥

Monday, December 27, 2010


It's already being called "Snowpocalypse 2010"; the snowstorm that shut down the city. Public transportation is delayed or suspended, roads are covered in snow and people are stuck in their houses. There's an actual MTA bus stuck right outside of my window.

I was supposed to head to Manhattan to handle a few things today, but obviously with no way to get to the city, I'm stuck at home for the time being. I'll be putting my time to use, uploading a few youtube videos and catching up on work.

UPDATE: It's now 2pm. My mom made a turkey sandwich and some hot tea for the bus driver, and put some chocolate candy in a bag and I went outside and gave it all to him. He was very grateful, said that we were the 4th family to come and bring him some food. I didn't catch his name, but he did say that he would probably have to spend yet ANOTHER night on the bus before he could be dug out and that he was praying the bus didn't run out of gas, so that he could stay heated.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas readers! For those of you that celebrate, I hope your day is filled with family, friends and maybe even some good gifts ;). To everyone, I wish you love, peace && hair grease 

UPDATE: My family hosted a Christmas party on Thursday for a few of my friends. And on Saturday (Christmas day) we had some family over. I got a new gold & ruby bracelet, a new blowdryer and flat iron (that I've already put to good use), a flip video camera, Sephora gift card, an iTunes gift card, Victoria's Secret pj's and A PILLOW PET!!!! 

If you cant tell, I'm most excited about the purple unicorn pillow pet. All in all, it was a good holiday because I was able to put a smile on alllll of my close friends and family's faces. How was your holiday?

Monday, December 13, 2010


On the uptown train today, I saw a little girl. She could have been our child. She was just a little darker than me, lighter than you. She had hair like mine. My eyes;  your nose. Your lips too, just not as pronounced. And for just a second, I imagined what life would have been like if we’d walked down that path. As beautiful as that little girl was… I realized I was glad we hadn’t. 

I love you, but I think I'm finally ready to let you go. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One of the most beautiful videos I've ever seen!

Found this link on twitter the other day, and the video was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. It's about empathy and how we as humans have evolved. Very powerful

To see the video, click here

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World AIDS Day, 2010

Today is the 22nd anniversary of World AIDS day. The We've come far in the 2_ years since HIV/AIDS first started attacking our community. The rate of new infections is going down, modern medicine has helped prevent mothers from passing the virus to their children during pregnancy;
Yet, we haven't come far enough. The biggest cases of infection still come from (and ravish) the black and Latino community.

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