Monday, December 27, 2010


It's already being called "Snowpocalypse 2010"; the snowstorm that shut down the city. Public transportation is delayed or suspended, roads are covered in snow and people are stuck in their houses. There's an actual MTA bus stuck right outside of my window.

I was supposed to head to Manhattan to handle a few things today, but obviously with no way to get to the city, I'm stuck at home for the time being. I'll be putting my time to use, uploading a few youtube videos and catching up on work.

UPDATE: It's now 2pm. My mom made a turkey sandwich and some hot tea for the bus driver, and put some chocolate candy in a bag and I went outside and gave it all to him. He was very grateful, said that we were the 4th family to come and bring him some food. I didn't catch his name, but he did say that he would probably have to spend yet ANOTHER night on the bus before he could be dug out and that he was praying the bus didn't run out of gas, so that he could stay heated.
As I was leaving the bus to head back to my apt, I saw a Daily News truck stranded on the corner also. I'll be headed back out at about 5 to bring the bus driver a blanket and more hot water, and I'll go see if there's anyone in the Daily News truck

UPDATE #2: A family friend went to the store, and mentioned that the Daily News truck had moved one block up... And got stuck again. He seemed to be fine though, and was seen going in and out of the local stores. Our bus driver on the other hand? Still stuck. I went out around 6pm to bring him some empanadas, cheese doodles and some face wipes. I'm sure after spending a full day stuck on the bus he was  cold, and feeling icky, in addition to being hungry. I didn't get his name again, but in my tweets I've been referring to him as "#thebusdriver". He told me again that he'd be on the bus all night, he was still praying that the heat would work and the bus wouldn't run out of gas, as he tried to shift back in forth and loosen some of the snow.

A few hours later, another family friend called and told us that ANOTHER bus driver, on the SAME route was also stuck in the snow and had been out there since last night. The fact that the MTA would allow these two employees to spend 24+ hours in the freezing cold, without so much as a bathroom break or someone to relieve them from their shift is absolutely beyond me. These are fellow human beings, that could very easily die if he'd been left alone out there.

I think it also brings light to the fact that Coney Island is treated like the red-headed step-child of Brooklyn. We get the least amount of resources for our streets and community in general. The street that #thebusdriver is stuck in currently, has a huge, gaping pothole. Honestly, I believe that's part of the reason that he's stuck; the wheels must have gotten caught in the snow and pothole. The city of New York was fine with letting the residents of CI suffer alone, and now its costing them resources because a city employee is stuck...


  1. Aww that was a really good thing for you to do! I'm sure he appreciated it. Stay warm up there, and I hope everyone is safe!

  2. It's literally freezing outside, I know if it were me or someone in my family I'd want some company and hot food too lol.


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