Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Quest for Clear Skin

Recently while browsing around in Target, I found myself in the skin care aisle. My face has been breaking out lately, and I figured there was no time like the present to take care of it. Just the day before I had asked someone with seemingly perfect skin for her secret. She told me that the key was a really good cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Embarrassingly enough, I had none of those.

So now I'm in Target, staring at all of the choices and I'm confused. What brand do I go with? Am I a dry skin type, oily or combo? What's the difference between a toner and an astringent?

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!

Well, hello there. Long time, no new posts. It's been quite some time since I've updated this blog. While I wish I could say that I was out, living a whirlwind busy life. Unfortunately, the truth is far less glamourous: my four year old laptop kicked the bucket; and I couldn't afford a new one. Thankfully, my dad came through in the clutch and got a new one for me. So, here we are again...

During my six month impromptu hiatus, I had a LOT of time to think about what it is that I wanted from this blog. I realized that turning it into an online, no holds barred journal isn't the most feasible thing. A rant about a guy I'm dating coming back to haunt me on job interviews? No thanks. I'm much too self involved to be seriously into celebrity blogging. Those who know me know that I am no style expert. Jeans and a tee are my daily uniform; and you can pretty much count on me having my hair pulled back into a bun (Don't judge me, its a protective hairstyle!). So if I can't rant & rave, or brag about my personal style, or spare a crap to devote my life to celeb gossip... Well, what other blogging niches are there for the childless?

That's the question I keep running back into. Maybe I just don't fit into a niche. One day I can talk about my new fave eyeshadow, and the next post will be about my favorite flat iron. Maybe as I get more focused and settled into it, I'll develop and evolve a personal style. Maybe this blog will be your guilty pleasure because you'll like looking at my vacation pics. I don't have the answers right now, and there's a very good chance that I won't ever get them. Perhaps that for the best, ensuring they'll always be something new.

I promise you this though: I'm a ton of fun, and this blog will be too ;-)

Cinnamon Swirl
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