Friday, February 4, 2011

FAITH in the Universe

"Say to yourself, ‘I’m here on purpose, I can accomplish anything I desire, and I do it by being in harmony with the all-pervading creative force in the universe."-- Wayne Dyer

Recently on her website, Necole Bitchie posted a series of tweets from BET's 106 & Park’s host Terrence  J:

 Today is a new day. A new opportunity to follow your dreams. Take advantage of this blessing. Take that leap. Whatever your dream is, you have to step towards it. The more steps you take the more the universe will conspire to assist you...
If you want to run a label, quit your job at the bank & intern at a label. If you want to be a doctor, apply to school today, etc. I wanted to act, so every week I go to acting school for 14 hours, study film &  actors, read about projects, etc. Once I took the steps, roles came.
A girl replied, how can I pay my bills if I quit my job, to follow my dreams? - when following your dreams you will be temporarily inconvenienced. Tyler Perry was HOMELESS years before becoming a MILLIONAIRE. Only you can determine the amount of sacrifice your dreams are worth.
Before 106 I had a job making 30K but I wasn't happy. I quit. Moved to NY, worked small jobs to get by, & lived on @FredWhit FLOOR 8 MONTHS! I just meet so many people that want to reach their goals & then complain when it sounds hard! Go watch Pursuit of Happiness
Everybody has a different story. U may have kids, mortgage, bills, etc. But God is powerful. There is always a way to follow your dreams! 

The italics are mine, those points especially stand out to me. However, the ENTIRE passage is inspirational. I'm a firm believer in the Universe. I've used it to bring wonderful people, places, events and opportunities into my life. I've also seen firsthand how persistent, negative thoughts can eliminate those things. In a previous post, I mentioned my "gratitude habit". That is, focusing on all the opportunities in my life, and bringing more of that energy into my day.

Two of my New Year’s resolutions were to: 1) Remember to stay positive, and turn every obstacle into opportunity and 2)Keep all negative influences out of my life [people, places, encounters]. As of late, I've been ignoring my own advice. Listening to the woes and complaints of the people around me, I started to internalize their pain, anger and resentment. That, coupled with several things in my own life not working the way I wanted them to meant that I lost all sense of positive thinking; I was headed towards a rut. But like I said, I believe in the Universe. That webpage was the first link I saw Tuesday evening for a reason. I was supposed to realize the path I was headed down, and fix it.

I’m back into the swing of things, as of this moment. Focusing on my dreams, first and foremost. I have so many goals, and I know I’m the only one that can make sure they come to pass. I’m making a new vision board, and I’m taking CONTROL! I advise everyone else to do the same ♥

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